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The Button Blog - American Button Machines — Button Maker of the Month

Meet the May ABM Button Maker of the Month - Lana Anderson!

Meet the May ABM Button Maker of the Month - Lana Anderson!

This month, we proudly spotlight a young button maker who embodies all that we love about the ABM Button Maker of the Month program.  Lana Anderson is the owner of Small Things Matter and the VP of Projects for Difference Makers in Silver Spring, MD and she works hard to live up to the name by making a difference in the world at every opportunity.   Difference Makers is a student founded, student run organization, founded in 2009 by a group of Takoma Park Middle School students.  The club is currently primarily an after-school student service program at Takoma Park Middle School...

Maker Space 307 - Button Maker of the Month for April!

Maker Space 307 - Button Maker of the Month for April!

Maker Space 307, in the Frank B. Wise Building, Fort Washakie, Wyoming, is a non-profit organization that supports creativity in the community by providing space, equipment and opportunity for learning in an environment that fosters and encourages their visitors to dream big. In Maker Space 307 (MS307) people can work independently or as a team to create art, industry, widgets or new technology. Through project based programs, children and adults can learn how to create and share their own world of “stuff.”   They were kind enough to share some of that amazing “stuff” with us this month in what are some...

Meet Our Newest Button Maker of the Month!

Meet Our Newest Button Maker of the Month!

Each month here at American Button Machines we look for a button maker that exemplifies the ABM spirit and in March, we want to honor Jen Nold and her FRC Robotics Team 48.  Jen started with a 1" button machine from ABM to make buttons for her FRC Robotics Team.  FIRST Robotics Competitions are an international high school robotics competition where each year, teams of high school students and their mentors work during a six-week period to build game-playing robots and compete with other teams. Not only do they create fantastic robots, they are known for their amazing buttons!  Attend any FIRST event and...

2 Button Monkeys Shine as February's Button Makers of the Month!

2 Button Monkeys Shine as February's Button Makers of the Month!

What could be better than using an American Button Machine to spread happiness and smiles?  Using one to spread happiness, smiles AND encourage young children to read!  Teri Mattsen of Seattle, WA volunteers at a couple of the most underprivileged schools in her area and wanted to create a way to bring fun and excitement to the community while teaching the children to love reading.  So, she enlisted the help of a buddy, came up with an ingenious plan and just like that, 2 Button Monkeys was born!   First, they asked a class from each of the schools they volunteer...

ABM Crowns Our First Button Maker of the Month for 2017!

ABM Crowns Our First Button Maker of the Month for 2017!

Here at ABM we know we are the luckiest group in the universe to have the most creative and amazing customers known to humanity and our first Button Maker of the Month for 2017 is a shining example of that awesomeness!  Robby Fischer of Dogtown Studio exudes creativity and it only takes a quick glimpse to see that originality flows easily from his imagination.  Within mere seconds of the start of his video submission we knew there was no doubt – we had a winner!        Based in Grand Rapids, MI, Robby is the owner of Dogtown Studio...



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