2 Button Monkeys Shine as February's Button Makers of the Month!
What could be better than using an American Button Machine to spread happiness and smiles? Using one to spread happiness, smiles AND encourage young children to read! Teri Mattsen of Seattle, WA volunteers at a couple of the most underprivileged schools in her area and wanted to create a way to bring fun and excitement to the community while teaching the children to love reading. So, she enlisted the help of a buddy, came up with an ingenious plan and just like that, 2 Button Monkeys was born!
First, they asked a class from each of the schools they volunteer at to help them with their project. Teri designed 16 different buttons that centered around the current zodiac animal for the Chinese New Year, the rooster, and gave them to the kids to color. Limited only by their imaginations, the graphics were transformed into charmingly beautiful creations ready to be made into perfect buttons. From there they began making their buttons (over a thousand of them) and started their mission of spreading smiles.
Armed with their very own button that proudly announced to the world they are Official Monkeyshiners, the kids set out to leave their fabulous, one of a kind works of art all over for people to find. Not only would the finder of these unique treasures be gifted with a smile and a masterpiece unlike any other, they would be reminded of the importance of reading and the difference a book, along with someone who cares, can make in a child's life.The Monkeyshiners got permission to hide them not only all over their school, but all over the city! Then they were able to stand back and watch as delighted discoverers found them and they were able to learn another lesson from Teri's project - the joy of giving.
Teri hopes to expand the program next year to include even more Monkeyshiners and
American Button Machines will be here to help her continue with her mission of creating happiness and getting children to read. They just received 2,500 ABM Reward Points worth $50 in FREE product on our website to help them continue their project. If you would like your own chance at button infamy, just submit your story and photos or video to us at sales@americanbuttonmachines.com. Good job Button Monkeys and as always, happy button making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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