ABM Crowns Our First Button Maker of the Month for 2017!
Here at ABM we know we are the luckiest group in the universe to have the most creative and amazing customers known to humanity and our first Button Maker of the Month for 2017 is a shining example of that awesomeness! Robby Fischer of Dogtown Studio exudes creativity and it only takes a quick glimpse to see that originality flows easily from his imagination. Within mere seconds of the start of his video submission we knew there was no doubt – we had a winner!
Based in Grand Rapids, MI, Robby is the owner of Dogtown Studio where he records his own music and videos as well as “a lot of other DIY-type things” to borrow his phraseology. When you ask him how he got started making buttons, Robby had some great advice for not only himself and his buddies, but he shared a few sentiments that we all should live by. “When my friends and I started out playing in bands, we would sometimes find ourselves trying to tone down various parts of our music or our image in an attempt to get acceptance from certain music scenes or record labels. But that got old REAL quick! We learned that it's much more rewarding to be yourself and make what you want to make. And when you do it yourself, you don't have to ask anyone's permission! You can create whatever you want! “
He continued by explaining why buttons made so much sense for him and his band.
“Buttons always sell great at shows. They're perfect, because they're small and affordable. A lot of times people love your music and want to buy something from you to support you in a tangible way- but sometimes they don't have the cash on hand to buy a shirt or a record, so buttons are perfect! Small, affordable, easy to transport, very visible - a perfect reminder of your new favorite band! I knew that no studio that specialized in DIY music could afford to be without a button maker! I plan to use this button maker to make buttons for my studio, for bands that I will be touring with and for other bands in the area!” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Robby!
You can follow Robby and what would appear to be his very entertaining adventures on
Instagram at @dogtownstudio. As our winner, Dogtown Studio received $50 to spend on cool new products with ABM. To vie for your very own chance at button glory and fame, send your submission to sales@americanbuttonmachines.com or share your video on our Facebook page. Until next time…Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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Your submissions can be video or photos. We just want to see what you create with your ABM products!
Does the submission have to be a video or can it be photos?