Purse Hanger Spring Sale
Spring has sprung! New life is bursting forth from the trees and flowers. Pollen is falling like snow. Allergies are driving us all crazy. So it’s no wonder our thoughts have turned to cleaning closets, drawers and attics. Oh yes, let’s don’t forget to add warehouse shelves to that list. In honor of this most wondrous of seasons (or should I say "sneasons"?) ABM is offering Spring Cleaning Specials that you don’t want to miss. Beginning today our Foldable Purse Hangers are priced jaw droppingly low. The supremely useful DIY foldable purse hanger keeps your purse off the ground, whether in bathrooms or out to dinner. Place the top piece on a flat surface and let the folding arm hang down. Hook your purse strap over the curved portion of the arm to keep it in easy reach and eyesight in busy restaurants. The non slip bottom grips easily and slides smoothly onto table tops. No more hanging it over the back of the chair. The ladies of the button world will agree with me, I’m sure, that this nifty gadget is a must have. To personalize the purse hanger glue a 1.25” or 1.5” flatback button to the top - as seen here in the picture. Ooh, a fabric button would look stunning!
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