National Button Day 2014
Happy (upcoming) National Button Day!
Wait a sec… What? Yes, November 16th has been set aside as our annual national day of celebrating all things button-y. Button crafting, collecting, trading & sharing your love of buttons are all good ways to acknowledge National Button Day. Following a tradition we started a few years back here are some ways you might celebrate National Button Day. Peruse the ABM Button Blog: Chock full of interesting, fun and always informative topics. Scroll through or search for a specific topic and perhaps learn something new. You’ll find new product announcements, button making tips & tutorials and the occasional joke. If you have a suggestion for the blog email us your idea to [caption id="attachment_19262" align="aligncenter" width="192"]

Share with the Button Community: When better than National Button Day to interact with your button community? ABM has several ways for you to connect with other buttoneers. The Button Discussion Forum is a lively venue for posting questions and offering advice. Show off your stuff on our FaceBook and Twitter pages. We regularly share and retweet all the great buttons our super talented followers have created.
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There's A Badge For That states their philosophy outright in the company name. We agree completely. Buttons are the best way to bring awareness, advertise or simply share your sense of humor. What ever you have to say - there's a badge for that. And no better day to make that button than on National Button Day.
Until next time - Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABMShare this post
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