How to Make a Refrigerator Magnet
How to Make a Refrigerator Magnet
Recently my brother and I were discussing those great family vacations we took as children. Our parents always made sure we each had few dollars to spend on a souvenir. My favorite souvenir ever from those childhood trips was a rectangle refrigerator magnet I bought from a shop in Pike’s Peak. (I bet my mom still has it somewhere.) These days magnet buttons have become popular for more than just souvenirs. Brides-to-be are mailing them out as Save the Date cards. Businesses use them for promotions. A hint to our photographer friends – parents and grandparents love having the kiddos’ school & sports pictures as a refrigerator magnet. Don’t forget the animal lovers; they want pictures of their fur kids, too. ABM has both round & rectangle magnet sets for buttons which are made in just 3 easy steps:
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Hi, Briana! You want to make sure you put the back in sharp side up. You will find a video with complete instructions on how to make magnets and many other great items on our site at
Which side up for the button back?
Wow article it is ! :D
i love fridge magnets ! i always search for differnt types pf fridge magnets as a decor ! I love travel fridge magnet the most !