Hole-y Crafty Buttons, ButtonMan!
So, if you’ve got the Metal Craft Punch that you purchased last year with the Christmas Ornament Kit or the Flashing Button Kit and you’re wondering how else to make use of it well we have a few more ideas for you.
For starters, you can use one of the smaller bits (3/32”) included with the Metal Craft Punch to make earrings. Starting with a 1” shell (that is a nice size for earrings, don’t you agree?) mylar & black plastic medallion back, crimp the button as usual.
Next, fit the Metal Craft Punch with the 3/32 bit and punch a hole where you want the top of the earring to hang. Add decorative touches, such as beads, to a French wire or kidney wire, thread it through the freshly punched hole and, voila, you’re done. Need a head start? Try one of our complete 1" earring kits that includes everything you need to get started. Now, go sell those babies!
Here’s a neat idea - charm bracelets. Who doesn’t love a charm bracelet? You’ll need the bracelet, mylar, shells, jump rings & medallions or collets. If you want the back of your 1” charm to be open, just use a collet in lieu of the medallion. Not to be redundant here, but, make the button as normal. Then, using the 3/32 bit, simply punch a hole where you want the top to be, loop the jump ring through and attach to the bracelet. Super charming and so simple!
I seem to be on a jewelry kick so let’s keep with the theme. Currently we offer several options for necklaces: 1” Magneta Snaps & Clix and 1.5” & 2.25” chunky necklace kits as well. Using the MCP, your options are wide open. 1.25” & 1.75” are absolutely doable with the MCP. 3” or even 3.5”? If that size floats your boat, I say why not? The key will be the jump ring; it really is a versatile little gadget. Of course, if you’re going big, you’ll need to be sure to source a jump ring that is sized accordingly.
Stay tuned for more uses… I am absolutely brimming with ideas. If you are too, please share.
Until next time, Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

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