A Free Button Maker Contest Update

We've had several requests for a "Free Button Maker Contest Update". First, let me say thank you one and all who have submitted reviews so far. ABM truly appreciates your comments. To date we have received close to 50 verified reviews. That is super! At this rate we’ll meet the quota and then some. We are so fortunate to have such great customers as yourselves. Here are a few snippets of some of the reviews we’ve received thus far. Of the
2.25” Professional Kit, Heather had this to say,
“I purchased the kit and am quite happy with it. The paper punch is great and the button machine is nice and solid and it has been very reliable.” Danielle says,
“This kit was everything I was looking for to start up! A sturdy machine, plenty of button supplies, and a very helpful cutter with cutting surface.”, about her
1.25” Beginner Kit. Cathy is enjoying her
Build-A-Button membership:
“This subscription makes designing our buttons for our robotics team easy every year!” “Great product at a great price! the magnet has just the right hold on metallic surfaces, and the sticky side has very good adhesion. I’m very satisfied with this product.”, says Elias of the
2.25” magnet sets. And one more. Christy loves our
3" mirror sets ,"These are incredibly easy to put together and create a high-quality pocket mirror that my customers love!” We're humbled by your kind words and are extremely proud to provide such high quality, American made products to our button making friends. Thank you! As we move closer to the deadline we'll offer another update. I am so excited... I can't wait to see who wins! Will it be you? Until next time – Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM