Who wants a FREE Button Maker?
Goooooood Mooorrrrnnnning Button Makers!!! (that was my best Robin Williams impersonation) I want to give you a quick update on our current
Free Button Maker Giveaway. As of 12/23 we’ve received and posted 60+ qualified reviews. I’m happy to report they are all 4 or 5 stars with the vast majority of them being 5-star! You want to get in on this FREE Button Machine give away, right? Please don't wait any longer to submit your verified review. If you have purchased a product from us, review it on our website and be entered with a chance to own a button maker for free! There are just a few days left to make our goal of 125.
So many of you have shared your success stories. Kudos to you all! Eddie says,
"WHY, WHY, WHY didn’t I start making Buttons years ago? Great little business and I am so very pleased with the equipment I have purchased from American Button Machines!!!" Isn’t it wonderful how many of you and your follow buttoneers have created successful button businesses? ABM is proud for you and happy we can be of service.
Those of you not yet familiar with 2.25” buttons may be wondering why it’s so popular. 2.25” buttons are the most widely used. Teachers, politicians, business owners all love the extremely versatile 2.25” button.
With 2.25” button maker you can create:
• Keychains
• Magnets
• Photo Buttons
• Fabric Buttons
Flashing Buttons
• Ornaments
• Necklaces
Bottle Openers
• Rosette Buttons
• Ponytail Holders
• And, of course, traditional Pinback Buttons
Teachers use them in school for awards and to promote awareness. Politicians like them because it’s large enough for both a photo and text. Business owners use them not only for employee name badges but also as an inexpensive way to advertise.
2.25” is the go to size for any message you want to get across. Quote buttons are very popular these days. You’ll find lots of content ideas on the web for puns, relationship rules or “that awkward moment when…” . The younger generation will snap those up in a heartbeat.
Don’t forget, for your verified review to count, it must be submitted by 12/31/14. If we reach our goal of 125 – someone is going to win a FREE 2.25” button maker!
Until next time – Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM