How Can I Take Pictures of My Buttons For My Online Store? Button Making Questions Answered, Ask ABM
How can I take good pictures of my buttons for my online store? It can certainly be a bit of a challenge, thanks mainly to reflections. Just as you find the perfect angle to get rid of the reflection, you realize it makes the button look misshapen. Then, just when you think you have it perfected, you open up the photo to find your colors just don't really pop like they should. Maybe you need the flash? Well then you're right back to that reflection issue and the cycle continues. There is a much simpler option. You can quickly and easily achieve picture perfection and save yourself from hours of frustration, not to mention the savings on paper, ink and toner, with just a little help from ABM!
ABM has taken care of all of the setup, angles and lighting requirements for you with Build-a-Button 6.0. When you create a design in BAB, you can download a professional quality, ultra-realistic mockup that you can provide as a proof to your customers and publish on your website or anywhere else you want to show off your work. In BAB 6.0, mockups aren't just for pinbacks anymore. You even have the option of showing off your design on most all of your favorite ABM products like mirrors, key rings, magnets and jewelry. No light box, no worries about backgrounds, reflections or being at the right angle. Just click and go!

Build-a-Button gives you a high quality png file with a transparent background so you can add it to any complimenting background you choose which makes the options absolutely beautifully limitless!
Now that you are a "photo taking pro" (wink, wink) show us what you got! Join 2500+ button making maniacs in The Pinback Button Making Community and show off your hot off the press pics. We hope to see you there soon but until then, happy button making!
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