ABM Template Tutorial Video Series: Open Office Free Button Making Software
Last week we shared with you a video and pre-prepared templates to assist you when using Photoshop Elements to create button graphics. In the coming weeks before the holidays we he sharing similar videos and templates for Corel Draw and Print Shop.
Today, we are highlighting Open Office (program that you can download for free from OpenOffice.org) and making the creation of button graphics easy with a video tutorial and free button making templates.
The video below shows you how to create a 2.25" image that can be used for making a 2.25" button. Here is what you will need to assemble before attempting the simple steps outlined in the video.
On a separate note: If you never want the hassle of dealing with button making templates, check out our Build-a-Button software. Our free button making demo will show you how to create a button in seconds without ever having to worry about design templates.
You can also go to our main website to find additional button templates that are free for download for additional sizes and programs. And don't forget to browse our product line of button machines to ensure that you have the right machine and button supplies for your current and future projects.
Once you have everything ready, hit play on the video below and be prepared to soak in the knowledge as you unlock the power of Open Office to make your button making visions a reality!

- Turn up the volume on your speakers so that you can hear the instructions.
- Get your source photo, image, or logo ready for use and know its location on your computer.
- Obviously you will need Open Office installed on your computer.
- The appropriate size Open Office template - which he have made available to you for free here at The Button Blog - for your project.
So, to reiterate: Open Office gives you free button making software and we give you free button making templates and a free Open Office video tutorial. What could be better!?

Update: Our video that shows you how to copy an individual button graphic across the entire page has now been posted.Brighid Brown - Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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