ABM Promo Code - Customer Feedback
Last week we asked you how you wanted us to communicate our promotion codes and button making news. Your feedback was amazing! We have the best customers in the world and here is why, you tell us what you want!
We can only enhance our services when we know what is important to you so below are the results from last week’s survey.
How do you want us to communicate our discounts and latest button making news?
Facebook – 26%
Twitter – 5%
Email – 54%
The Button Blog Website – 7%
The Button Blog Discussion Forum – 3%
All of the above - 6%
Email is clearly the winner! So what are we going to do with this information? Well for starters, we are not going to migrate away from emailing promo codes. Secondly, we will try our best to include each social media outlet in our announcements with some specific specials periodically for each medium .
What else did we learn? You want more, and that is awesome! You can always count on us listening to you because we are not successful unless you are successful. We received tons of great ideas on new products and services, some of which are already in the works such as more shipping options and discounts.
So, to sum up. Thank you for letting us know what is important to you. We read each and every response and will take action on everything we can. If you ever need help or have a question, we are only a call, email or Facebook post away.
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

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