The Library and The Button Maker
Buttons have long been used as a fun and unique way to promote special events. Why? Because, buttons automatically bring cheer to any occasion.
Have you been contemplating the purchase of a button maker for your library? Or wondering how to use buttons to promote library events?
Perhaps you need to know which size button maker is the best for libraries.
I queried a few of our library customers recently in hopes of answering these very important questions.
Tina, from South Carolina, told me “
We actually collaborated with another library to present a teen anime/comic book convention last summer, and they made buttons for the event that turned out really well. This is how I determined that it was the best size for our needs [1.25”]. We are going to use the buttons to promote library events and American Library Association celebration weeks, such as Banned Book Weeks for example. We can even have buttons made denoting which librarians are bilingual or experts in certain genres. Possibilities are endless! I am very much looking forward to it.”

[caption id="attachment_327293" align="alignright" width="150"]

Image courtesy of Deep River Library[/caption]
And Jeanine, one of our favorite Colorado customers, said “
They are used for events throughout the different branches and departments. Open Houses, Grand Openings, crafts etc.”
[caption id="attachment_327291" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Image courtesy of Deep River Library[/caption]
In speaking with Pam, a new customer from New Jersey, I learned about MakerSpaces. Said Pam, “
We had a library assistant who brought in her ABM button maker. The teens loved making buttons with it. She’s since moved on so we’ve decided to purchase one for our MakerSpace.” Pam elaborated, “
MakerSpaces are areas designated for patrons to create and share projects”.
For more information visit

The most common size button makers used in libraries seem to be 2.25” 1.5” & 1”. If you need a visual - 2.25” buttons are about the size of the top of a soda can. A 1.5” button is roughly the size of a 50 cent piece and a 1” button is the size of a quarter.
Wondering about the different buttons that can be made with an ABM button maker? I created a handy dandy chart, originally published in part 1 of our
How to Start a Button Business series, to help answer that very question.
ABM has
Button Making Kits which include everything you need to start making buttons in your library. These kits are competitively priced to offer the best value. And we even have a
best price guarantee. Best of all, ABM is happy to accept a PO for your purchase.
Until next time – Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM