New Product Announcement: Black Velvet Gift Bag and DIY Foldable Purse Hanger
Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is just around the corner, and we're back with yet another announcement of new products!
This time we have two fun, useful new accessories for your button making and gift-giving pleasure.
Well now you can drape your precious items in velvet, whether for gift-giving or to store for yourself. Buttons, rings, bracelets, small cards...they'll all fit; and they'll be safe and protected.
Learn more and order at our main website: Black Velvet Gift Bag. Quantity pricing is available on our <" target="_blank">accessories page.
As far as the men are concerned, even if you don't use "carry-alls" you may want to pay attention to this...because if your lady doesn't have a foldable purse holder, she's handing the purse to you to hold. And we all know how much we enjoy doing that.
Plus, these purse hangers make great stocking stuffers!
Learn more and order at our main website:
DIY Foldable Purse Hanger. Quantity pricing is available on our accessories page.
Brighid Brown - Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
Black Velvet Gift Bag
It happens every Christmas. You get done wrapping the big presents for your special someone, only to realize that there are still a few small, stray trinkets or perhaps even a gift card or two left unwrapped floating out on their own. You know what you need? Why, a small black gift bag of course! And if it's made of velvet, all the better, right George?
DIY Foldable Purse Hanger
For all of the ladies who carry purses, you know that you'll do pretty much anything to avoid setting it on the ground or even in public chairs that aren't often clean. That is where foldable purse hangers come in handy! You can easily hang your purse right there from the table. It keeps it clean, looking new, and germ-free! Plus, you can customize the purse hanger with a small button! And for the gentlemen, lest you think this section doesn't apply to you, no less than Jerry Seinfeld might just disagree.
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