Customer Spotlight: Making Buttons At SpaceCraft Studios Is ‘Magic’ [Video]
A couple months ago the crafty Jennifer Null of Technicolor Moments had a chance to stop by the fabulous SpaceCraft Studios in Charleston, South Carolina, to make a few pinback buttons with the help of owner Allison Merrick. For those of you unfamiliar with SpaceCraft, it combines a workroom studio and retail shop in one space. The workroom has all the necessary tools and materials needed to make a variety of craft projects – including a 1” button machine and circle cutter from American Button Machines. Jennifer is a lover of pincback buttons (who isn’t?) and is excited to use SpaceCraft Studios’ button machine, since she doesn’t own one. With Allison’s expert instruction, Jennifer uses a Batman comic to make a Kapow button, along with several other creative buttons that have multiple layers. One even has a feather!
Allison’s creative studio offers much more than button making. Crafters can book time to work on their project or try new tools that they may not have in their homes. They can even rent the workroom for a private event. The retail section of her studio offers modern, handcrafted gifts and DIY kits. Allison’s team also offers classes led by skilled local artisans. Adult classes include instruction in textile arts (sewing, knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.), screenprinting, terrariums, jewelry making, papermaking, bookbinding, soap making, glass etching, bicycle maintenance, picture framing, and more. She also offers classes specifically designed for children and is able to create custom events, too.
More About SpaceCraft Studios

Connect with SpaceCraft Studios
SpaceCraft Studios 8 Avondale Avenue Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 284-MAKE Twitter: @spacecraftsc Facebook: By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABMShare this post
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