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The Button Blog - American Button Machines — Button Making Tips

3 Campaign Button Making Tips for Elementary School Kid Campaigns

One of the most exciting experiences for an elementary school kid is participating in his or her first campaign. In some schools, campaigns for class president, vice president, and treasurer begin as early as third grade! What makes these experiences extra special for the kids is when the adults treat them as "real" as possible. And if we're writing about it here on The Button Blog, you know that can only mean one thing: it's time to talk campaign buttons! And this time, we're talking about them for the kiddos, not the adults. So what kinds of things should you...

Make Your Own Buttons!

America is the greatest nation on earth because she is a nation infused with a spirit of action, initiative, and personal accountability. We are a nation of doers, of problem solvers, and of people who love to take matters into our own hands. And that is why we beam with pride whenever we think about our customers, because they are a shining example of this inimitable American spirit. Each person who buys a button machine and buys supplies from ABM could very easily find an "easier" (though not cheaper) way to get their buttons made, but they don't. They take...

Button University Lesson 5: Choosing the Right Kind of Button Paper

A common mistake when buying button paper for use in a button making project is spending too much money and making it too complicated. We're going to simplify the process for you today.

Button University Lesson 1: Instructions For Starting a Button Making Project

The first thing to understand about making buttons is's easy! Seriously. Don't be intimidated. The professionals at ABM give you free access to step-by-step instructions for starting, and finishing, any button making project.

Free Button Designs, Graphics, Tutorials, and Videos For all ABM Customers!

One of our goals at American Button Machines is to give you all of the tools you need when you purchase a button making system. This is why we provide free button designs and tutorials with both our beginner and professional systems.


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