The Button Blog - American Button Machines — Build-a-Button Videos
How to Manage and Rename Layers using Build a Button Software by American Button Machines
Layers help create the perfect button design and knowing how to manage them is crucial to success. Build-a-Button 6.0 makes it easier with the ability to name each of your layers yourself. Watch this helpful video to learn everything you need to know about managing layers!
How to Resize a Group of Layers Using Button Making Software by American Button Machines
Have you ever made a button so great that you just want to share it in all the sizes you have available? ABM makes it quick and easy with our tool that groups layers and allows you to move or change the size without having to change each one. In this easy to follow video, we show you how!
SVG Graphic Images for Button Making Software
SVG files are great for using in button designs but what is the difference in simple vs. complex? Which one is right for your design? How can Build-a-Button help you perfect them? Watch this video for all of the answers!
Drawing Freehand in Build-a-Button
Drawing freehand is super simple in Build-a-Button! Watch this video for creative uses for this handy feature.
Using Mail Merge to Create Multiple Personalized Buttons
Adding multiple names into a button design is quick and easy thanks to the convenient mail merge feature in Build-a-Button 6.0! Learn how with this video from ABM.