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The Button Blog - American Button Machines — Button Makers

How to Make Fabric Buttons with the Green Button Maker Machine

Did you know American Button Machines has available not one but two different types of fabric button machines? Anyone who has done research for fabric buttons knows all about the Red-n-Black Machine. But few of you are aware of the Green Machine. This beauty has been in the shadow of her super star, 2nd cousin twice removed, far too long. It is high time she steps in front to showcase her talents. The Green Machine is sold as a kit which includes the button maker, the die size of your choice and 144 large wire eyelet button sets. Since the...

Where can I find one button machine that makes different size buttons?

Where can I find one button machine that makes different size buttons? That’s a questions we get asked almost on a daily basis; sometimes twice in one day. So why don’t we just make one? There are actually a few very good reasons. Allow me to share with you some quality insider information.   First, all machines that incorporate the ability to change dies are manufactured in China and do not conform to industry standard sized buttons found in the USA. Second, the die is the most expensive part of any button machine. So if your goal is to save...

How to Make a Coaster Button

So what button making product is the least known to most button makers? In a single word, Coasters! Making your own custom coaster button is fun and very easy to do! All you need are 3 items: 1. 3.5" Button Maker 2. 3.5" Coaster Button Set 3. 3.5" Coaster Insert So gather everything you need and follow this step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process. How to Make a Button Coaster: Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the parts of the coaster button. The parts consist of: Mylar, Front Shell, Flat Back and Adhesive Backed Cork. You can purchase the...

Free Button Machine!!!

Hey Button Makers! The big day is finally here so please congratulate fellow button maker Bill Manning - the winner of our first ever Free Button Machine give-away. We can’t thank you enough for helping to promote our FaceBook page and all the wonderful website & Google+ reviews. We’ve had so much fun with this contest that we’d like to do it again but we need your insights to keep it fresh. Please share with us your ideas for future contests and tell us what you’d like the criteria to be and which product(s) you’d like to win. We’re all ears!...

How to Change the Cutting Blade on an Adjustable Circle Cutter

Hey Button Makers. We occasionally have callers who ask how to change the blade on their Adjustable Circle Cutter. It’s actually very simple, but we’ve put together this step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process. You will need a small, flat-head screwdriver and a pair of needle nosed pliers. If you organize anything like me, the screwdriver is in the drawer to the left of the fridge and the pliers are in the garage. We’ll wait while you look for them…. Okay, ready now? The first thing you want to do is remove the plastic Centering Template from the Circle Cutter.  ...



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